Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I recently lost an uncle and as I sat listening to others describing him, I thought one word would have summed it up. BELOVED! I had to wonder did he know he touched so many lives in a positive way? Did he know so many held him in such loving regard? Did i let him know?

Yes, that is what he was to me a much beloved man. He demonstrated every day whether at home with his family, at work , at church or at leisure time. He was the same always. I can truthfully say this is not a case of after one passes that he is cast in the role of sainthood. Any one who knew him would say that was a man who walked the talk. He extended a helping hand to all and never seemed to expect anything in return. He was a faithful husband of 61 years, loving Father of 3 and many grandchildren and nieces and nephew that loved and respected him.

We'll miss you, Uncle Em. Earth's loss is heaven's gain.


Love Bears All Things said...

I know just what you mean. My family has always been affectionate and demonstrative. we always hug each other when we see one another and say I love you when we mean it. My Mother's sister who was just 13 years younger than me was my favorite aunt and she died quite suddenly. I was glad that we had these expressions between us. She died before my MOM did.
My FIL's second wife and now his widow is my sorrogate Mother. They were married 7 years. She reminds me of my Mother so much and we always hug and tell each other how much we love each other.
This is not something that comes easily to Honey Bear's family. I think it is so sad when someone doesn't keep in touch with loved ones and let them know how they feel.
Okay, I'll stop this now.
Thank you for the lovely things you said about my blog.
Mama Bear

Love Bears All Things said...

OOps, I meant my aunt was 13 years older.