Monday, July 28, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Good Morning!

It is another hot day here on the old homeplace and we are busy little bees. My Sweetheart is out cutting our 4 acre yard it seems...LOL. I am washing and hanging out laundry knowing the hot sun will do it's job before the afternoon thunderstorms start up also baking bread and enjoying my homemaking in general.
You see my small still green cantaloupes above ( Look close I promise they are there) This was taken a couple of weeks ago.
Something ( probably a raccoon) ate one of my cantaloupe last night. They were so late coming in that I was trying to leave them on the vine till the last moment that they had to be picked soooo I guess that moment arrived. So I have 5 nice plump cantaloupe sitting in my window ripening. The other handful I will have to chance for they are still too small. I only planted a few. Our gardens are almost over for now. It has become to hot for most things. I am getting okra for it THRIVES in the heat and some eggplant. I have been picking my cayenne peppers and drying them for grinding since I have plenty of pickled hot sauce from last year. Of course, I will start a few bedding plants soon to use in our fall garden.
My sweet brother came to visit and brought me 2 gallons of plump sweet blueberries and a yet to be eaten watermelon from his own garden. I promptly showed him my appreciation by making a blueberry cobbler along with fried catfish and potato salad and iced tea. We passed a good time. Since my mother passed it seems each time the family gathers they becomes dearer.
My daughter just dropped by with her sweet babies, time moves so fast they are grown before you know it so I am slowing down the pace and savoring the blessings.
I have just completed my morning devotions and am still a little reflective on them. I was reading in John 15 the passage where Christ states that we glorify God when we bear much fruit. I never really thought much in the physical sense about this verse.

I know the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,long suffering,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness, and self control.
These fruits are produced with in us and manifest themselves on the outside in our lives.
The physical side however is my actions, my words. Am I glorifying God with my everyday interaction with others. I need to examine this daily.
I read a really thought provoking devotion on a fellow blogger over at Morning Ramble (link on the side if you would like to read it). About doing good and it seem to just follow along with my devotions. Well time to go again. I pray all are well and happy. Deborah


Patty said...

Why thank you for the mention and the link. I plan on getting my link list up again soon and will include you : )

Anonymous said...

Dear Deborah,
I enjoyed hearing about your lovely homemaking and what is growing in your garden! I am sorry that your cantaloupe was eaten! We had a pepper growing a few years ago and my husband wanted to leave it just a bit longer and one day when he went out to check on it, it was completely gone too! It is a little disappointing!

Thank you for sharing from your morning devotions ~ wonderful thoughts to meditate on!

Have a blessed day,
