Thursday, May 29, 2008

A very experimental week

Whew it really heating up here, in the 90's. Goodby spring and hello summer!In jut a few days we will officially enter hurricane season again. I know the whole nation has really experiencing some turbulent weather all year.I have a number of projects that are ongoing and I hope to get to them this week end.Right now I am in the middle of canning pickle Relish. I seemed to have gotten a recipe that calls for 2 days of canning. Oh well it will be time well spent if it comes out right. I have had a glut of cucumbers this year. Not complaining, just stating fact. I tried a homemade laundry detergent recipe this week and I must say I am impressed. I found it on one of my fellow bloggers sites. If it continues to perform as it did thais wash day, I may never go back to commercial detergent again. I wonder if there is some type of home made bleach out there?
I also was very fortunate to stumble on a going out of business sale of an antique shop and found some wonderful hand crafted items for my home and for various sewing projects. I am truly a happy soul! Later.


Farmhouse Blessings said...

I just love my homemade laundry soap. It costs less and I feel better about knowing what is in it. I haven't heard of homemade bleach but I'm always looking for more pure, old-fashioned ways to keep my home clean.

I'll be posting some homemade cleaners soon so stop by if you have time.

Please do share your sewing projects. I just looovee handwork. So glad you found some treasures to enjoy!


~~Deby said...

Can I ask?
Which laundry detergent did you make? Are you still liking is something I have been wanting to do.