Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spring Musings

What a beautiful day it is today as I sit on my back porch listening to the birds sing
in my near by herb garden.
It is the perfect place for my morning devotions. The weather has not permitted that
much of late. The Lord has richly blessed me and mine.

Have you ever looked up the meaning of your name and it's characteristics"? I
think mine is appropriate. My first means Bee and the second means Lily. The
characteristic is seeking and grace/graceful. Well, thats me for I am always
seeking GOD's grace in my life. He is so faithful. What a wonderful Father we serve.

This morning I repotted some tomato seedlings to larger containers. It has been so wet
it will be a while before we can work the ground. I am experimenting with garlic this year
in a small bed. So far I have some really nice sprouts, I hope the cloves are becoming BULBS.

I thought of my Mother as I set some flowers out taken from her yard. She would have liked
that. She passed just before Christmas. I miss her...hug your parents while you can.

Well, I've laundry to do and supper to plan for now, I best get to it.

1 comment:

~~Deby said...

I am also a Deborah....and my mom has been gone just 2 years...I miss her so much, too.....
ALso have been married 30+ years...and still very much in love